


My name is Viktor Ingemarsson, also known as Raw Chef Viktor. For me raw food has had a huge physical effect. I was at a pretty bad place suffering from ulcer, feeling tired and worn out. Raw food was a game changer for me. Today I feel fantastic, my ulcer is gone and I have a lot more energy and muscle strength. As I do a lot of climbing, muscle strength is important to me. I had spent many years working as a traditional chef, and I love experimenting with flavors, so when I decided to focus on raw food my goal was to create Raw Food in a new tastier way.
My app Raw & Delicious is a source of inspiration if you’re looking for culinary gourmet raw food. Recipes that are designed to be cooked without drying oven or expensive special tools.
Smart features:
• Video tutorials showing you how to easily create food that also appeals to the eye.
• Smart shopping lists you can send by email.
• Voice control in the kitchen - No fingerprints on the iPad.

Sign up and I'll do my best to send you updates

You can also keep in touch with me on Instagram and Facebook. Scroll down for links.

I had planned to say a few inspirational words here about my passion for food. But the truth is, I simply haven’t had the time to write anything, as I’ve been so busy creating fabulous recipes for my new book. I will get back to this section soon, but in the mean time my Instagram photos should give you a little insight into my passion for food!